
Entrepreneurship Icon

Entrepreneurial Studies Concentration

The following three courses are required:

MGT 3360 – Studies in Entrepreneurship

Students gain personal insights into entrepreneurship as entrepreneurs describe their contributions, reveal the sources of ideas, and discover ways of growth and success. Includes starting and managing businesses as well as ownership forms, sources of funds, location analysis, facility requirements, management, marketing, and feasibility plans. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification.

MGT 3361 – Small Business Operations and Financials

This course is a study of funding and financial concepts necessary to effectively operate a successful small business. Students will use software programs to maintain working capital and a complete set of books related to running businesses. Prerequisites: ACC 2361 or ACC 2301. Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MGT 3360.

MGT 4350 – Business Plan Development (WI)

Students work in teams to select, create, and write solid business plans for proposed or real businesses. Prerequisite: MGT 3361.

Select ONE of the following courses:

MGT 3362 –Family Business and Franchising

This course addresses the important and unique management aspects of family businesses and franchises. Family business topics include family culture, communication, conflict resolution, succession, and estate planning. Franchising topics include franchise selection, contracts, legal issues, and current trends in franchising. Issues affecting both the franchisee and the franchisor are explored. Prerequisite: MGT 3361.

MGT 4351 – Applied Entrepreneurship (WI)

Students design, staff, operate, and manage a business or service. Business teams develop financial and operational control systems and procedures for organizational, group, and individual performance evaluations, implement service and business projects, and provide a final public report. Prerequisite: MGT 4350.

MGT 4353 – Integrative Field Project

Students work directly with entrepreneurs to research projects and recommend solutions. May involve providing business development assistance to entrepreneurs. Students may work individually or in teams. Project results are summarized in a comprehensive written report and a formal oral presentation. 

MGT 4393 – Entrepreneurial Internship

The internship class provides integration of prior professional and academic experience through an entrepreneurial internship with an external employer. Prerequisite: MGT 3360. Restricted to Management majors with entrepreneurship concentration only. Departmental approval required.

Human Resource Icon

Human Resources Concentration

The following course is required:

MGT 4373 - Human Resource Management

A study of the principles of human resource management in public and private institutions with a focus on recruitment, selection and placement, performance appraisal and compensation. Prerequisite: MGT 3303.

Select THREE of the following courses:

MGT 4377 – Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining (WI)

A study of unions and their impact on private and public employment. Examines union growth and governance, collective bargaining, contract negotiation and administration, and arbitration and mediation. Prerequisite: MGT 4373.

MGT 4378 – Training and Development

This course is designed to develop theoretical and applied perspective on needs assessment, design, development, delivery and evaluation of training and development in organizational contexts. Prerequisite: MGT 4373.

MGT 4379 – Organizational Staffing

A study of current theory and practice in the process of selecting the right employees for positions within the organization, including HR planning, EEO, job analysis, recruitment, and selection procedures. Prerequisite: MGT 4373.

MGT 4380 – Compensation Management

A study of the compensation administration in public and private organizations, with stress on the determinants of general wage levels; job analysis and evaluation; incentive, merit, seniority, and executive compensation; fringe benefits, and wage and salary control. Prerequisite: MGT 4373.

MGT 4390G – Cross-Cultural Human Relations

This course is designed to develop theoretical and applied perspectives on cross-cultural human relations within a variety of international business contexts. Prerequisite: MGT 3303.

MGT 4390S – Business Contracts/Negotiation

This course focuses on techniques for the development and strategic planning required for successfully negotiating business contracts, negotiation skills, and conflict resolution issues/techniques. Prerequisite: MGT 3303. Co-requisite: MGT 4373.

MGT 4392 – Human Resource Management Internship

This course integrates professional and academic experience through internship with an external employer. Restrictions: Management majors with human resource management concentration only; enrollment subject to availability and approval; credit-pass/fail or grade at departmental election. Prerequisite: MGT 4373, Permission of Instructor.

BLAW 3367 - Employment Law (Finance and Economics Department)

This course studies the legal developments in the workplace, with emphasis on attempts to maintain a proper balance between employees’ interest in earning a livelihood and employers’ interest in operating their business efficiently and profitably. Prerequisite: PHIL 1320.