Management Business Internship
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. This evaluation constitutes 50% of your student intern's overall grade for the Management Business Internship course. As you complete this form, please evaluate the student as an intern rather than how you might evaluate a permanent employee of your organization.
For each item, please indicate a numerical grade. If you feel your intern deserves an "A" for one of the criteria, please assign a grade of 90-100; if a "B", then assign a grade of 80-89, etc.
Course Grade Range:
- 90-100: Exceeds expectations
- 80-89: Meets and usually exceeds expectations
- 70-79: Sometimes meets expectations; some areas for improvement
- 60-69: Unreliably meets expectations; needs improvement in several areas
- 0-59: Does not meet expectations; needs significant improvement
- N/A: Criterion was not observed or is not applicable